This is only going to be a quick post, but I wanted to start by saying that I'm sorry for not having a Weight Watchers update last week, but I wasn't feeling very well so I never went and got weighed. :(
This week I did go and I've managed to maintain my losing streak as I lost a further 2 1/2 lbs taking the grand total so far to 16 lbs. As much as I'm pleased, I can't help but feel a little disappointed in myself as so far I haven't really been giving a hundred per cent. Lately I've only been tracking my points mentally and at times I really haven't been sticking to the plan. Really it's amazing that I've been losing weight at all considering, but it's frustrating to know that I could have lost so much more if I was following the diet properly and truly giving it my all.
Some days though when Olivia has been hard work to settle (she's usually so good, but every baby has their moments) the last thing I want to be thinking about is how many points certain foods are. I therefore tend to grab something quick like a chocolate bar or cake to satisfy my hunger. They might be the Weight Watchers versions but even still I should try and make the time to make myself have a proper breakfast and lunch. Several times, I have even found myself guessing rather than weighing items which I know is wrong but it was just easier.
I feel that this week, I'm slowly trying to get my head around the Pro Points plan. Phil and I are even having our grocery shopping delivered now so that it frees up more time on the weekend for us to spend together as a family. It also means that I'm less likely to be lured into buying foods that I really shouldn't (especially those that are naughty).
So fingers crossed for this coming week. I'm hoping that I'll be able to stick to the diet a little better than I have so far. But I guess only time will tell!
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