Thursday, 12 January 2012

Sleep...Oh how I've missed thee!

One of my favourite things to do is sleep.  There's nothing better than having a hot bubble bath followed by getting into a bed with freshly washed sheets and curling up under the duvet.  However this seems like a distant memory since having my baby girl just 7 weeks ago.  Even when I was pregnant (during the 3rd trimester especially) I wasn't able to sleep properly and I would often wake up between 12 and 3 am and not be able to get back to sleep. 

I love my daughter and woudn't change a thing, but I do look forward to the time when she is able to sleep through the night and for me to not wake up on hearing every sound that she makes.  I know when she goes into her own room this will help but at the moment i'm too scared as she seems so little to be on her own. 

I have to admit that Olivia is a very good sleeper...everyone keeps telling me "she's such a good baby" and she truly is.  From approximately 2 weeks old Olivia was able to go to sleep at 10 pm and only wake once during the night to be fed before getting up to be fed at 7am.  However last night my dream came true and she slept from 10.30pm until 5.30am when she started to get unsettled but her eyes were still shut and she didn't feed until 7am. 

My question now is, was this a fluke or is she on the right path now to sleeping through the night?  If only I could ask her and she could tell me if there was anything I did that helped her to sleep better.  Perhaps it was the way she was swaddled or the fact that she didn't sleep too much during the day.  I guess I will never know.  All that's left to say is fingers crossed that she will sleep through tonight!

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